bwCard Services
Digital services for bwCard Federation participants
Each university that participates in the bwCard Federation can offer its services to other institutions as a service provider for cardholders.
Each bwCard holder decides for herself whether she wants to be activated for this service with her bwCard.
If you would like to offer a bwCard service to your university, please contact the office and we will be happy to assist you.
These services are currently offered:
- The registration of a bwCard as a European Student Card is available to all students who have the corresponding visual characteristics on their card and whose home institution provides the bwCard attribute set to the bwRegApp via bwIDM.
- The service bwCard status page
enables all partners and interested parties to test their university infrastructure and thus the technical requirements for participation in the bwCard federation.
- Smart card federation KA-LIB
With the chip card federation KA-LIB, the Karlsruhe libraries expand their cooperation. The participating institutions recognize each other's library cards.