bwCard project progress in brief
09 December 2021
Final event bwCard, video conference
Presentation of the event
Welcome and project overview
Dr. Martin Nussbaumer (KIT), Dr. Bettina Buhlmann (MWK), Ms. Ingrid Bohr (IuK) and the project leader Axel Maurer (KIT) welcomed the participants to the event. Among other things, the history of the project, the success factors of the approach as well as the vision of bwCard were discussed.
Main topic 1 - Federal cooperation
- Structure of the federation
The federation forms the basis for the development and provision of state-wide or regional services and associations on the basis of the bwCard. Joint agreements (federation access policy) have been reached within the bwCard federation. The bwIDM mechanisms are used to clarify the card status. For the subsequent application of APPS or data on a card, the encoding stations developed within the framework of bwCard can be used.
- Implementation of the production community
Mr. Norbert Boss from Nexus talks about the use of Nexus Identity Management solutions for the management of multifunctional smart cards, which has existed at KIT since 2009. In 2020, a framework agreement was concluded between Nexus and the KIT, which offers a model after which higher education institutions in BW can start quickly and cost-effectively as participants in the production community.
The central infrastructure for the bwCard solution is operated by KIT. KIT is the contact for the institutions/clients participating in the production community. Individual processes, card layouts or coding regulations of the clients can be implemented. Due to the development and provision of the bwCard Connector, the local component of the bwCard production community, no permanent storage of personal data of the participating institutions at KIT is necessary. The handling of all data is clarified under data protection law and is regulated in contracts. The bwCard Connector also includes the connection to European Student Card. Currently, 8 institutions are participating in the production community.
Main Topic 2 - Conception of pilot applications
- European Student Card
Guest speaker Jean-Paul Roumegas (CNOUS) is the project leader of the European Student Card (ESC) project. In his presentation, he first goes into the beginnings in 2012 of the idea for an ESC. From 2017 - 2019, the technical implementation was then tackled. In order to create a digital identity for students, the European Student Card Initiative was formed. Currently, the initiative is supported by the projects "Erasmus without Paper (EWP)" and "European Digital Service Infrastructure (EDSSI). bwCard is represented on the EDSSI project advisory board by Axel Maurer.
The procedure for an institution to participate in ESC can be read here. ( The visual features of a European Student Card are the hologram and a QR code. To register cards, European Student Identifiers (ESI) and the European Student Card Number (ESCN) must be generated. As a rule, the students' consent to the transmission of the data must be obtained. The application of the ESC APP is currently optional and only defined for mifare Desfire cards.
- Cashless Campus
As a result of the evaluation and assessment of existing payment systems together with the student unions, a guideline is available as a working paper. This can be used to identify payment points and processes within a university. A survey showed that there is acceptance of new payment methods.
In a pilot project, it was determined that it is possible to integrate modern payment systems into the university landscape. An analysis of shopping basket systems for handling small amounts showed that it is considered very sensible to make the purchase of a university's offers via a standardised shopping basket, in line with the cost centre, with a secure receipt of payment. The integration of the student unions is seen as advantageous. A uniform shopping basket system at all universities, such as the ePayBL-Webshop project of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Interior, could use synergy effects.
Guest speaker Alen Kecic from the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe explained that the STW Karlsruhe was involved in the bwCard project from the beginning. The student unions in Baden-Württemberg use the tl1 software as a common basis for their cash register systems. Mr. Kecic thanked the KIT for the good cooperation.
Main topic 3 - Evaluation of an E-ID
- E-ID as a joint concept for bwIDM and bwCard
A technical and organisational concept has been developed that enables service providers to reliably exchange identity data as needed to provide services. At the same time, the administration of the digital identity always remains the responsibility of the respective institution.
Common features of the bwCard were determined, a logo in 3 variants as well as a dedicated APP on the card chip. The status of a card can be retrieved online at any time because it is linked to a digital identity in bwIDM, for which the new bwIDM attributes bwCardNumber and bwCardUid were specified in bwIDM.
Before using a bwCard service for the first time, the user must be registered. This is done from the service by logging into the bwCard Infoportal. From here, card data is retrieved from the IdP of the home institution and then stored at the Shibboleth Service Provider (bwRegAPP). An example bwCard service has been set up.
- New card technology or mobile phone technology
The extent to which a mobile phone app could serve as a supplement to or replacement for the smart card was evaluated, particularly in the context of a potential nationwide implementation. The underlying technology NFC as well as the use of optical recognition via QR code were examined. Both technologies offer a basis that would enable the implementation of smart card functionalities in a mobile phone app.
Potential application scenarios were examined in which a mobile phone app could be usefully employed, such as the ID card procedure and 2-factor authentication. A questionnaire was used to gather the opinions of the universities participating in the project with regard to mobile phone apps, functionalities and the desire for a uniform, nationwide solution. The consensus was that there was a fundamental willingness to adopt a uniform solution. The recommendation is to use the infrastructure created with bwCard or bwIDM as the basis for a potential state-wide solution.
Concluding remark
The bwCard project lives on in the federation and the production community.
The project website will be redesigned as the Federation's homepage, the distribution list bwCard ∂does-not-exist.lists kit edu will be maintained and opened for interested parties. The project folder will continue to be available on bwSync&Share.
Axel Maurer is the head of the Federation office at KIT, which can be reached by mail at KIT will support the participants of the federation in the implementation of bwCard services. Regular partner forums are planned. A bwCard working group under the direction of the University of Freiburg has also already been established.
Mr. Nussbaumer thanked Mr. Maurer for successfully leading the bwCard project. The ground is prepared for further development.
September, 23th 2021
9th partner forum bwCard, video conference
- Status of the overall project
End of Project is 30.11.2021, a closing event will take place on 9.12.2021. - AP 1.1
Each institution reports on its status (technical and formal) regarding joining the bwCard Federation. - AP 1.2
In July 2021, the card management software was successfully migrated from Nexus Prime to Nexus Smart ID.
The "bwCard as a service" cooperation agreement is about to be approved by KIT. - AP 2.1
The EU urges that countries' higher education institutions join the European Student Card and the Erasmus programme. Non-participation threatens cuts or cancellations of funding. In the EU Commission's call for tenders for the European Student Card Initiative, Lot 2 on the subject of "Development, introduction and support of the ESC with a volume of 8 million euros went to Everis / NTTData. Axel Maurer will represent the interests of bwCard as a member of the "Project Advisory Board". -
AP 2.2
The working group for the evaluation of shopping cart systems and for the processing of small amounts has compiled the requirements for a shopping cart system and largely formulated them in a written concept.
The ePayBL-Webshop project by the Ministry of the Interior, Digitization and Migration and the Ministry of Finance is planning to build an infrastructure for a standard webshop for the state administration. KIT is very interested in this solution. - AP 3.1
The definitions of the bwCard Attriubute "bwCardNumber" and "bwCardUid" are unchanged since June 2021, the publication on is still pending. - AP 3.2
Questions about the (planned) use of cell phone APPs were posed to TU Dortmund and HU Berlin and the answers were presented. Both universities are pursuing the goal of completely replacing the smart card with an APP. The TU APP follows the approach of the optical solution via QR code. HU Berlin's chip cards were introduced as part of an alliance with 10 other Berlin universities. NFC is used as the technological basis of the APP. Of interest for the bwCard context is that this app combines the backend systems of several universities.
June, 24th 2021
8th partner forum bwCard, video conference
- Status of the overall project
End of Project is 30.11.2021, a closing event will take place on 9.12.2021.
- AP 1.1
The data protection review of the FAP has been completed and is now ready for the 9 universities to sign as a binding declaration of intent.
The bwCard office (service ∂does-not-exist.bwCard de) will be run by the bwCard project management until the end of the project; the KIT has offered to continue running it.
- AP 1.2
The connection of universities via the University Service Centre is still in progress.
In July 2021, a comprehensive migration of the card management software from Nexus Prime to Nexus Smart ID is scheduled for participants in the production community.
The cooperation agreement is currently being finalised at KIT.
- AP 2.1
The bwCard project has achieved that the ESI is no longer displayed on the website that is accessed by calling up the QR code. This has significantly reduced concerns on the part of the KIT data protection officers (DPO).
The authenticated query of the ESI can still be retrieved, after registering a facility on the ESC router, when using the API.
- AP 2.2
The pilot on Inepro's payment system was topped due to lack of essential checkout functions such as TSE.
Milestone 2 showed that the integrability of modern payment systems is possible in the university environment, which should be planned together with the student unions.
Mr. Simon Lübke from STW Ulm reported on cashless payment by mobile phone or card in the refectory.
The working group for the evaluation of shopping basket systems and for the processing of small amounts is drafting a concept, which will also be made available to the higher state authority IT Baden-Württemberg (BITBW). BITBW, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior, Digitalization and Migration and the Ministry of Finance, is planning to set up an infrastructure for a standard web shop for the state administration.
- AP 3.1
Regular meetings of the IdP and bwCard specialists took place.
The bwIDM office has been assigned an Object Identifier (OID) for globally unique identification of attribute names since May 2021.
„bwCardNumber“ .
„bwCardUid“ .
If the attribute bwCardNumber is assigned, the attribute bwCardUid must also be assigned, by transmitting the bwCardNumber the validity of the card is activated.
- AP 3.2
A comprehensive survey was conducted to determine the extent to which the follow-up and development of a mobile phone APP as an alternative or supplement to the smart card is of interest outside the project.
Overall, it can be stated that the basic pillars bwIDM and bwCard should be taken into account for the development of a mobile phone app. The mobile app should be seen as a (partial) replacement for the chip card. The added value of the app through chip card functions, administrative functions and additional non-essential functions should be ensured during development.
March 16th, 2021
Bianca Dößelmann is a new project member at the University of Stuttgart. Warmly welcome!
March 4th, 2021
7th partner forum bwCard, video conference
- Status of overall project
Project status reports and proofs of use for 2020 are prepared and submitted to MWK.
The technical requirements for the "Access to 24h Pools" service have been created.
A first test service via the bwRegApp was realized in AP3.1.
- AP 1.1
bwCardApp: Test cards with the bwCardApp as well as a program for the Elatec reader to read the bwCardApp are provided to the project group.
The company Intercard has offered to apply the bwCardApp to the cards for its customers and to integrate the status query into its card management system.
bwCard federation access policy: The legal examination, as well as the submission of the FAP to the KIT data protection, with the involvement of Zendas, is taking place.
Based on the FAP, there are no plans to exchange further data for services. It only serves as a basis for retrieving the card status. If additional data is to be exchanged, further data protection considerations are required.
Each institution will examine whether it is technically and organizationally capable of joining the federation or when this will be possible.
- AP 1.2
The connection of universities via the University Service Center is still in progress.
The cooperation agreement is currently before the KIT legal department for revision.
- AP 2.1
The ESI structure has changed and no longer needs to be printed on the cards.
- AP 2.2
Inepro's payment system was delivered in 2021 and is in the optimization phase.
The working group for the evaluation of shopping cart systems and for the processing of small amounts has started its activities.
- AP 3.1
Card Status IdP: An initial bwCard service has been available for testing since February 2021. This allows individual universities to read the card status of a card based on the card number. Thus, each university can now check its connection to the bwRegApp for transmitting the attributes for bwCard.
IdP together with bwCard specialists are now meeting on this topic.
- AP 3.2
Investigations by the University of Mannheim into the cell phone app as an alternative or supplement to the chip card have revealed the complexity of the issue, which is why the project is only expected to produce an evaluation but not an implementation. A survey will be conducted to determine the extent to which pursuing and developing such an app outside the project is of interest.
March 1st, 2021
Matthias Matousek is a new project member at the University of Ulm. Welcome!
February 22nd, 2021
The first bwCard service (bwCard status page) is online and allows all partners and interested parties to test their university infrastructure and thus the technical requirements for participation in the bwCard federation.
February 10th, 2021
First meeting of the working group "Evaluation of shopping cart systems" for AP 2.2, Cashless Campus.
Project members from the universities of Konstanz (leadership), Mannheim, Tübingen and KIT are involved.
January 1st, 2021
Susanne Mocken is a new project member at the University of Freiburg. Welcome!
December 31th, 2020
Marc Herbstritt from University of Freiburg leaves the project. We thank him for his cooperation!
December 2020
An article with the topic "Landesprojekt bwCard: Digitale Identitätskarte" appears in the newsletter of the Scientific Computing Center (SCC) of KIT. To the SCC-News
December 2020
Interview "Students implement the European Student Card" in the journal "Ubiquity" of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The article presents the results of an practical course in the ESC environment, which was held last year at the Faculty of Computer Science in cooperation with the bwCard team at KIT. To the article
December 14th / 15th, 2020
Participation in the MyAcademicID Final Conference
It was presented how project deliverables support the digital transformation of the Erasmus+ programme and present how higher education institutions can engage in this process.
December 8th, 2020
Strategy meeting with the company Nexus, manufacturer of the card management system PRIME used in the production community.
November 30th,2020
Stefan Kombrink from the Universität Ulm is leaving the project. Thank you for the good cooperation!
November 18th, 2020
6th bwCard partner forum, video conference
- Status Overall project
The MWK has approved the extension of the bwCard project.
The prototype presented in the last partner forum for the electronic registration of people's participation in events by means of a chip card, such as the bwCard, or via a QR code, has now been implemented at KIT. - AP 1.1
AG bwCardApp: The discussion on the technical specification of the bwCardApp was concluded. A separate identifier for the app was registered with the chip manufacturer (NXP).
AG bwCard federation access policy: The wording of the FAP was further specified in response to a request in the partner forum and is now ready for signature, subject to the pending formal review. - AP 1.2
The number of interested parties in the production community is growing rapidly.
The HisinOne direct connection of the HfG to the Connector 2.0 via the University Service Centre (HSZ) is to be tested for the first time in the accession project of the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).
Functions of the Connector 2.0 were presented, including its interfaces PostgreSQL ODBC/JDCC. - AP 2.2
Milestone 1 for the evaluation and assessment of existing payment systems together with the student unions has been completed.
The analysis of payment systems with regard to their integrability into the higher education landscape. Envisages a pilot project together with the service provider Inepro from January 2021. A new working group is to be formed to further illuminate and evaluate shopping basket systems for handling small amounts. - AP 3.1
Card status IdP: The transmission of the finalised bwIdm attributes "bwCard- cardNumber" and "bwCard - CardUid (legacy)" is now to take place in a bwCard portal test operation. The transmission of the "bwCard - cardNumber" confirms the validity of a card. "bwCard -CardNumber" can be freely assigned by each institution.
Use of RegAPP: The bwRegApp is to be expanded into the bwCard portal.
A new working group is to be set up to work out a blueprint of how to proceed in order to introduce a service into the bwCard environment or to be able to use bwCard services. - AP 3.2
For the evaluation of new technologies in the context of card alternatives, tests of AusweisIDent Online and the AusweisApp2 are planned. Regarding the evaluation and development of mobile phone solutions, various framework comparisons for mobile phone apps were investigated: Ionic, React Native and Flutter. A working group is to be set up to look into further topics in this regard.
November 11th, 2020
Report about bwCard in the program committee
October 28th, 2020
Meeting with the management of InterCard to update each other on the current status and planned developments.
October 1st, 2020
Marco Fasheh is a new project collaborator at the University of Mannheim. A warm welcome to him!
October 1st, 2020
Stefan Kohl joins the bwCard team at the University of Stuttgart. A warm welcome!
October 1st, 2020
Status report of the bwCard project in the working group of the heads of the scientific computing centers in Baden-Württemberg (ALWR) with positive feedback.
October 1st, 2020
Relocation of the 6th Partner Forum from 21.10.20 to 18.11.20
August 17th, 2020
Approval of the MWK for the cost-neutral extension of the project "bwCard: Digital Identity Card" by one year until 30.11.2021
August 6th, 2020
First discussion on PH Weingarten's participation in the bwCard production association (AP 1.2)
July 22nd, 2020
5th partner forum bwCard, video conference
- Status Overall project
The approval of the MWK for the extension of the bwCard project is expected in August.
Presentation of a prototype for the electronic registration of the participation of persons in events by means of a chip card such as bwCard.
Resolution of a uniform logo for the bwCard - AP 1.1
AG Card status IdP: The bwIdm attributes "bwCard- cardNumber" and "bwCard - CardUid (legacy)" are transferred to the bwFederation for new creation.
AG Use of RegAPP: The bwRegApp is to be expanded to a bwCard portal. The registration of a cardholder to use a card service can be controlled accordingly using the function "service access policy (sap)". The RegApp can actively communicate status changes of a card registered for a service to the service, alternatively the status can be retrieved by the service.
AG bwCardApp: The UID of a card will be stored in the bwCardAPP, the isocompliant access to the UID in APP 0 is compromised. A draft from ESC for encoding the chip is no longer expected.
AG bwCard federation access policy: The FAP will be extended: only one card number may be assigned to each bwIDM account and several accounts can log on with identical card numbers.
Discussion under which conditions one can join the federation. The adoption of the FAP is planned for October 2020. - AP 1.2
In cooperation with the Hochschulservicezentrum Reutlingen (HSZ) a direct connection HisinOne to Connector 2.0 is developed. It is planned to deliver the Connector 2.0 software via GitLab. - AP 2.1
Changes regarding the ESC router were announced, which will be updated for the bwCard Connector by KIT. The official timeline for the issue of student cards with ESC features is 2021 for the beginning and 2025 for the comprehnsive issue. - AP 2.2
Successful application of the working paper for clarifying payment processes at the University of Tübingen. Review of whether comprehensive activities to abolish cash can be bundled within the framework of
Association for Student Affairs in Baden-Württemberg favour a chip card-based solution for payment, which in turn is based on accounts.
July 15th 2020
Video conference with employees of the Hochschulservicezentrum Baden-Württemberg (HSZ-BW) on the topic of direct connection of Connector 2.0 to HisInOne
June 30th 2020
Publication of the article "KIT and Nexus enable common card management across universities" in the Nexus newsletter
June 22nd 2020
Decision of the University Hohenheim to join the production association (AP 1.2)
June 9th 2020
Presentation "bwCard - Introduction of a European Student ID" at the workshop European Student ID/European Student Card of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
June 1st 2020
Beta test of the bwCard Connector. Publication of the documentation on the internal project repository
May 18th 2020
Exchange of ideas on card solutions with Volksbank Karlsruhe
29 April 2020
4th partner forum bwCard, video conference
- Status Overall project
A request for a cost-neutral extension of the project by one year is submitted.
Suggestions for a bwCard logo were made and are available for voting. - AP 1.1
AG Card Status IdP: The card status is delivered by the IdP of each institution to the service provider of bwCard. EPPN and card number are temporarily stored there.
Each institution has to implement the determination of the card status and the transfer to the IdP itself.
AG bwCardApp: A proposal for the definition was presented, all institutions check it for feasibility.
AG bwCard federation access policy: Presentation of the draft of the FAP, discussion of the clear assignment of the bwCard to a bwIDM account. After a further revision by the working group, the draft is submitted to the participating universities for examination. - AP 1.2
Illumination of the connection models (order and request) of the bwCard Connector. The bwCard Connector can also execute the connection to the ESC router for all facilities of the bwCard Federation.
Additional encoding of chip cards successfully implemented in Karlsruhe: the payment app of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe can now be retroactively applied to cards of the Stadtbibliothek Karlsruhe and the Landesbibliothek.
Display of the costs of the production community for the individual participants. - AP 2.1
Within the framework of the Erasmus Charter, the universities must submit a statement on the further development of the European Student Card at their institution. Since this is part of the bwCard project, it was suggested that a coordinated approach be taken. The project management is preparing a formulation for this purpose as a template for the responsible departments. - AP 2.2
Report on meetings with the payment service providers WireCard, Inepro, Ximedes and BlueCode.
Presentation of a working paper to clarify the payment processes within a university. The University of Tübingen agrees to carry out an internal process documentation as a pilot project based on the template.
The student union in BW is interested in a cooperation with the universities within the framework of
April 15th, 2020
Start of the tests of the bwCard connector 2.0 at the University of Konstanz.
March 18th, 2020
Participation in the workshop "Introduction of a European Digital Student ID" of the project MyAcademicId
March 12th 2020
Presentation of bwCard at the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Studierendenwerke
March 11th 2020
Discussion on the participation of the Karlsruhe University of Design in the bwCard production association (AP 1.2)
February 17th, 2020 (AP 2.2)
bwCard informationmeeting in Esslingen
January 27th, 2020
3nd partner forum bwCard in Mannheim
- Overall project status
The homepage of the project is now also available in English. - WP 1.1
The changes in the architecture for the structure of the bwCard federation were presented and decided. It became clear that the indication of the EPPN is necessary for the online request of the card status.
The RegApp of bwIDM was presented as a potential service portal for registration to bwCard services. A working group was set up for a more detailed examination.
In order to identify the bwCard, a working group will clarify which number or identifier should be used in the future. The ability to integrate the card status into the IdP was identified as a prerequisite for participation in the bwCard card federation. A draft of a bwCard Federation Access Policy will be developed. - WP 1.2
Announcement of the bwCard-connector, which will lead to reduced technical effort at participating institutions.
Presentation of the new licence agreement with Nexus to the production community. On the basis of this, a draft contract is prepared for the production association. - WP 2.1
New findings regarding ESC through workshop on the project "MyAcademicID". In addition to the classification of the ESC in the overall project of an EU-wide academic identity, changes to the characteristics of the ESC were also communicated. - WP 2.2
Considerations on a concept cashless campus were presented and a distinction was made between an open and a closed cash cycle. The functionalities of different providers were presented with regard to the support of the respective cash cycle and the offered support of administrative processes. A working group will be set up to clarify local payment processes.
January 22nd, 2020
First discussion on Uni Hohenheim participation in the bwCard production association (AP 1.2)
December 15th, 2019
Decision to merge the IDM and HISinOne connection models into a common process model at the AP 1.2. REST services are used for this model.
December 11th, 2019
Project discussion with the Universities Freiburg and Hohenheim (AP 1.2)
December 4th, 2019
Migration of the Karlsruhe University of Music to the bwCard production association (AP 1.2)
Completion of the migration project → The old "ProACT" system is switched off.
December 3rd, 2019
First discussion on PH Freiburg's participation in the bwCard production association (AP 1.2)
November 21st, 2019
Migration of the HS Karlsruhe to the bwCard production joint venture (AP 1.2)
November 20th/21st, 2019
Participation in the conference "Towards a European student eID".
Important findings:
- The ESC is part of the EU's strategic approach to student mobility.
- The ESI no longer needs to be printed on the card.
- The ESC-R will be integrated into the existing academic infrastructure. If it is currently still operated at CNOUS, it will become the responsibility of GEANT. There, a federal operation at Member State level comparable to EDUGAIN is envisaged.
October 16th, 2019
Migration of PH Karlsruhe to the bwCard production joint venture (AP 1.2)
October 11th, 2019
Workshop on Cashless Campus in Konstanz (AP 2.2)
October 10th, 2019
2nd partner forum bwCard in Konstanz
- Overall project status
All project positions have now been filled. It was requested that the contact persons of the project at the individual universities actively investigate further services for use with the bwCard. To simplify the use of the bwCard for internal services, a card reader was introduced which can be programmed by the project team so that it can be used for bwCards immediately and without drivers. - WP 1.1
On the basis of the technical variants presented in the last partner forum, a model for the transmission of the card status was presented. This is based on the existing bwIDM infrastructure. The resulting governance rules were presented and discussed. - WP 1.2
The guide to participation in the bwCard production community, which was developed as a result of milestone 1.2 M1, was presented. The current status of the connection of data sources was presented. There are currently two models, one that concentrates on the transfer of personal data and their status and one that can also process externally set card statuses. The status of negotiations with the manufacturer of the card management system for a bwCard license was presented as a further strand of action. - WP 2.1
A project proposal for the further development of the ESC is currently being developed by various European partners. What is essential here is the realization that the ESC will be continued by the EU Commission. - WP 2.2
The results of the student survey were presented. For the next project phase, a proof of concept for a point of sales (POS) terminal for university sports at the University of Konstanz is planned as an additional focal point.
September 17th, 2019
Project discussion with the University of Stuttgart (AP 1.2)
September 11th, 2019
Videoconference for AP 2.2
September 10th, 2019
Final Presentation Internship "bwCard - Post-Coding Station
July 31, 2019.
Completion of the card exchange project at KIT. A total of over 50,000 KIT cards were exchanged.
July 23rd, 2019.
Brief presentation of the project at the bwTag and the plenary meeting of the SCC
July 5th, 2019
Migration of DHBW Karlsruhe into the bwCard production joint venture (AP 1.2)
June 26th, 2019
1st Partner Forum bwCard at KIT
- WP 1.1
Technical variants for exchanging the status information on the chip card were presented. - WP 1.2
The concrete timetable for the AP was updated and presented. The structure of the production system was presented and discussed. - WP 2.1
The requirements for participation in the European Student Card were presented. Additional information was sent after the session. - WP 2.2
The evaluation of the topic was presented and discussed. A number of suggestions were made, which will be examined in the further course of the project. In particular, a survey is to be conducted among students on their payment behaviour in the university environment and their expectations.
June 13th, 2019
Videoconference of the working group on AP 1.1
May 31st, 2019
Willi Sievers leaves KIT's bwCard team for his well-deserved retirement. All the best for the future!
May 23rd, 2019
Working group meeting on AP 1.1.
May 14th, 2019
Survey on Cash-Less Campus (AP 2.2)
May 7th, 2019
Lecture at the 14th meeting of the DFN user group: bwIDM and bwCard - Building blocks of a bwDigID.
The slides were published on the side of the conference.
April 15th, 2019
Gabriele Schramm joins the bwCard team at KIT. Welcome to our website!
April 11th, 2019
Lecture at the annual meeting of the IuK working group of non-university universities in Baden-Württemberg.
April 5th, 2019
The practical course for the development of a coding station starts. The goal is to have a stand-alone station that will allow DESFire cards to be re-encoded. The internship is a cooperation with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Institute for Program Structures and Data Organization of the Faculty of Computer Science at the KIT.
March 27th, 2019
Workshop on work package 1.2 with the universities of Konstanz, Freiburg and Stuttgart.
March 26th, 2019
Discussion with the management of Nexus about the further development of the software "PRIME". This software forms the basis of the production community (WP 1.2).
March 12th, 2019
The Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe decides to participate in the production community (AP 1.2).
February 28th, 2019
Update of the PRIME version to 3.9. This software forms the basis of the production community (AP 1.2).
February 22nd, 2019
The University of Stuttgart is examining whether it will initially participate in the production community with the library cards.
February 6th, 2019
The funds for the project year 2019 were allocated by the MWK.
January 10th, 2019
First discussion at the University of Stuttgart about a participation in the production community (AP 1.2)
December 13th, 2018
Kick-off event at KIT. More than 40 people from almost 20 institutions in the country took part.
December 1st, 2018
The motion is approved. The financing is secured. The project starts.